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Solutoksen lääkärit ja Pirkko valittu Sosteriin
Solutos on valittu tuottamaan aikuispsykiatrian avohoidon lääkäripalvelut Savonlinnaan, Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymään...
Acusphere – open interfaces boost innovation and development
The Acute patient record system already offers customisable features for the specific needs of the customer, and now, thanks to...
Oxford VR awarded Immersive Healthcare of the Year for automated VR therapy
Oxford VR has been recognised at the Immersive Perspective Awards 2018, hosted by Virtual Perceptions, winning the Immersive Healthcare...
Democratizing Health
Both responsibility and power in personal health issues resides with the consumer. Consumers want health information and services for...
How to create forerunner health services – Movendos and the healthcare provider Pirte have a story t
The occupational health sector is digitizing at a great pace, but based on whose needs? The occupational healthcare customer wants smooth...
How to take a data-driven approach to healthcare and welfare
The healthcare sector has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. As capabilities increase and data volumes grow, it is...
NEP and Pagero provide PEPPOL efficiency for the NHS
Pagero is pleased to announce that NEP Shared System Group (NEP) has moved into full PEPPOL production for its first pilot cohort of six...
Remote health coaching happens actually very near – scaling of individual service opens up a new wor
Promoting health works best, if the small positive daily changes are based on one’s individual situation of life. The common level...
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